Friday, August 31, 2012

We use to spend evenings as a family in our Hot Tub...but all good things have to come to an end...Paul cut it up to take to the dump. Scott said it felt like putting down an old friend as they cut it up and hauled it off to the Dump. This good thing is our house can now be listed as Hot Tub Ready....

One of the upstairs bathroom..the whole house got painted the same color...not sure if I'm going to like it but hopefully I'll get use to it. After all it's upstairs and out of sight out of mind.

Bonus room
2nd stage to the bookcases on either side of the fireplace

So long story but we were told we couldn't get the tile we wanted so we picked a 2nd choice...after it was ordered and in we finally saw what the floor tiles for the floor in the shower were like...Wait a minute I said...stop everything. If I can't have the tile I want then I will wait until I can..even if it means not moving for another month...Miracles happen, a shipment came in of the tile we loved and now for a restocking cost of 20% we will be able to return the tile and get what we originally wanted...just one of the many lessons I've learned along the way.
Here is the master shower with the tile we wanted...the small trianle areas are waiting for the accent tile to come in
These are some of the accent tiles...each are different to give an interesting look...can't wait
Floor of shower
Close up of Master Bathroom shower...I requested that this also be done in the Powder bath but somewhere along to didn't happen...sad
Powder bath shower..notice the white shower pan...I hope I fall in love with it but...maybe it will just have to become invisible over time.

Tile for the upstairs bathroom...the vanity has a green glass surface and we did an accent of glass around the shower. It hasn't been grouted yet...but you get the idea.
Floor in the upstairs's a mousey will have brown grout.

Kitchen Cabinets
This will give you an idea of the crown molding that is being put in place, it will be painted a cream color along with all of the trim through out the house...amazing...
Ahhh garage door to love them...just think, I'll get to park my car in a garage, no more walking in from the rain...can't wait...
Dinning room trim
tile for the laundry room...which got laid yesterday...

Septic System

My Garden


Crook Neck Squash

Sunday, August 19, 2012

The era of the hot tub is over.  I called a company that buys used hot tubs, sent them pictures and they said that it was too old for them to refurbish and resale but they would help me dispose of it for $400.  Wow!  Next, I really wanted to give it away but there were so many others on Craig's List in better condition that I decided I had to send it to the junk yard.  I had to cut it up to meet the size and weight requirements.  Scott and I cut it up into 4 pieces.  We both felt like there was something basically wrong with what we were doing.  It felt like we were putting it down.  It only cost me $20 to dump it, boo-yah!

The septic system is in but not yet covered.  I don't know what they are waiting for unless the plan is to do other excavating work at the same time.

The walls and ceilings are in and its now beginning to feel like a house.

Ah, a 4 car garage.  What more can be said?

No. The house will not be yellow. It's color is yet to be determined. The two ends and along the garage will be stone faced sometime in Oct.

Kitchen cabinets are almost in but the island is too close to the refrigerator.  It will be pushed out another 6 inches.

Trash and re-cycle drawer.

Soon to have a mantel around the fireplace with built in cabinets along each side. You might notice that the walls are painted now.  Michele freaked out for a weekend thinking the color was too dark.  She got better as the walls dried completely and became lighter.

Master bathroom floor tile.  Trust us, it will be beautiful when it is all cleaned up!

What a view!

Friday, August 3, 2012

We sound proofed the bonus room so we wouldn't have to hear anyone having a Theater Experience

No the house won't be Yellow...but the siding is all done later

The under side of the Patio...same underside on the front porch
So much has happened since we last posted. I will post pictures later but the siding is complete on the outside of the house. Now we just are waiting for the stonework to go up and to paint. They want us to tell them the paint colors so they can paint it soon. I just couldn't tell them what color to paint the really depends on what the stone looks like when it is completely up. So I've put them off until the stone goes up..hope the weather holds. Inside, the sheetrock is up, texture is on and last night they painted. Now let me tell you that last night when we stopped...they were just painting and it looked so dark. Really scared me....what do I do if the paint we selected is too dark. Also it was very Hickory in color...not sure how that will look in all rooms with various I'm on my way up there on my lunch to look at it in the daylight and when it's dry...hopefully it will look much lighter...if not....YEAH a painting party at the Wilcoxson's...want to come?